LGBTQAI+ Affirming Therapy
Affirming Care in a nutshell says that everyone is born with differences and there is no attribute that is better or worse than others. We celebrate, accept, include, and honor those differences.
Before jumping into what it means to be LGBTQAI+ Affirming, let's look at who may fall under the LGBTQAI+ umbrella:
LGBTQAI+ refers to any gender expression or sexuality orientation that differs from cisgender heterosexuality.
(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Nonbinary, Genderfluid, Demisexual, Pansexual, Agender, Two-Spirit (2S), Androgynous, Polyamorous, Plus standing for others who are defined better outside of a terms already stated)
The National Library of Medicine defines LGBTQAI+ Affirmative Therapy as
“a form of therapy that helps a person accept their intrinsic identity, gender, and sexual orientation and see beyond the damaging concept of ‘normality’ as imposed by a discriminatory society.”
LGBTQAI+ Affirming Therapists believe that:
• Everyone is born with a unique gender identity and a unique sexuality orientation. There are no sexual or gender identities that are better or worse than others in consenting parties.
• Each person and identity experiences unique beauty and challenges. We honor, accept, include, and celebrate those differences
• We don't feel a need to "fix" you. You are accepted as you are and together we identify possible support communities and strategies to help you feel most connected to yourself and live a fulfilled life.
• We use inclusive language such as "partners" and "relationships" (see our choice on the use of "relationships" instead of "couples")
• We normalize the use of pronouns
• We support the exploration of personal decisions towards gender identity expression such as apparel, hormones, or surgeries honoring both challenges and benefits
• We want to know more about your story and what you may have experienced. We honor a space for grieving the possible understanding or acceptance you didnt have.
• We gently lead with a trauma-informed lens, recognizing possible trauma triggers.(view our blog on Trauma-Informed Therapy)
Red Flags that a therapist, program, or care provider is not LGBTQAI+ Affirming would be:
• Focuses on changing gender identity / sexuality orientation
• Claims to "Cure"
• Claims to be "Reparative" or uses "Conversion"
• Sees gender identity or sexual orientation as a moral concern
• Does not respect or honor your pronouns
• Does not acknowledge history of oppression and possible trauma related to lack of acceptance from people close to you / society
• Assumes all difficulties and problems stem from gender identity/sexuality orientation
• Does not support the exploration of personal decisions towards gender identity expression such as apparel, hormones, or surgeries (a LGBTQAI+ Affirming Therapist will explore challenges with big decisions but will ALSO explore benefits and honor your choice)
Everyone is born beautifully and wonderfully unique.
We at Mellowbeing Counseling focus on what is important to YOU. We are not here to change you. We here to help you grow into what you identify the most fulfilled version of you!
If you are seeking LGBTQAI+ Affirming Therapy, lookout for this being listed on your therapist’s website / social media. If you don’t see it, ask!
You deserve care that supports YOU and the healing journey that helps you live your most authentic self!