Neurodivergent Affirming Therapy
Affirming Care in a nutshell says that everyone is born with differences and there is no attribute that is better or worse than others. We celebrate, accept, include, and honor those differences.
Before jumping into what it means to be Neurodivergent Affirming, let's define Neurodivergent:
Neurodivergency refers to any condition that influences how a person's brain uniquely processes information
(Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, Tourette's syndrome, Intellectual disability, Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Learning disabilities)
Neurodivergent Affirmative Therapy is defined as
a therapeutic approach that creates an environment and treatment plan rooted in a deep understanding of neurodivergence
Neurodivergent Affirming Therapists believe that:
• Everyone is born with a unique brain and there are no brain functionalities that are better or worse than others
• Each person and neurotype has their own strengths and challenges. We honor, accept, include, and celebrate those differences
• We don't feel a need to "fix" you. You are accepted as you are and together we identify possible accommodations, support, and strategies to help you feel most connected to yourself and live a fulfilled life.
• We assume competency. Even without words or eye contact.
• We respect and honor all forms of communication and meet you where you are.
• Each person as their own unique sensory profile. We seek to understand and support your sensory needs and aim at providing an environment that helps aid you in emotional regulation.
• We incorporate your interests and passions in therapy! This creates a deeper learning and engagement as your therapy is personalized to you. (Check out our "Oh The Ways We Play" on our Play Therapy Page)
• We want to know more about your story and what you may have experienced. We honor a space for grieving the possible understanding or acceptance you didnt have.
• We gently lead with a trauma-informed lens, recognizing possible trauma triggers.(view our blog on Trauma-Informed Therapy)
Red Flags that a therapist, program, or care provider is not Neurodivergent Affirming would be:
Focuses on changing behaviors / compliance:
• Claims to "reduce problem behaviors" , "reduce symptoms", "extinguish behaviors" (referring to traits or behaviors safely and healthily occurring due to Neurodivergency)
• Claims to be "motivational-based", "help brain function in a normal way", "increase eye contact", "increase tolerance skills", "fluency building" (teach specific elements of behavior over and over again until the behavior becomes fluent), "task completion compliance", "desensitization"
• Only accepts verbal communication
• Requires eye contact
• Ignores emotions and sensory needs
• Does not allow stimming
• Assumes incompetence
• Relying on behaviorist model (Rewards and Punishments)
Everyone is born beautifully and wonderfully unique.
We at Mellowbeing Counseling focus on what is important to YOU. We are not here to change you. We here to help you grow into what you identify the most fulfilled version of you!
If you are seeking Affirming Therapy, lookout for this being listed on your therapist’s website / social media. If you don’t see it, ask!
You deserve care that supports YOU and the healing journey that helps you live your most authentic self!